Galaxy Media Academic Structure
Acting Academy
a non-
profit arts organization dedicated to
uplifting and enriching our
collective humanity through the
dramatic arts. Driven by the belief
that growth as an actor and growth
as a person are the same, our
Academy & Theatre provides the
tools, training, and discipline to
nurture and support actors who are
committed not only to the art form,
but to a life of social engagement.
In addition to our teaching center,
we offer public programming and
extensive community outreach,
including free and low-cost
performances for thousands of
patrons as well as some of the
city's most underserved children,
families and senior citizens.
Goal settings and CareersGoal setting is important in any
area of life where you want
success, and this includes career
change planning.
STRAIGHT FACT:some people avoid
setting goals because they
think they can never achieve what
they really want, they lack believe in their dream or because they
think they are no good at setting
goals. The truth in
these is that doubt has never been true but result to fail . Anyone is capable of
achieving what they want, as long
as they have the physical capacity,
and anyone can learn how to set
achievable goals. If it has not
worked for you in the past, that
may be because your goals have
been unclear or unrealistic. Or
perhaps you never done research or find help on it.