Crying Out Loud TV (COL-TV)
I trust you are all doing so well. We are looking at forming a partnership with non profit, media and tourism sectors, productions and filming companies, casting and talents agencies, education and other interested parties who are mankind and would love to spend time, energy and devorted efforts performing charitable actions to make life easier and better for those in needs. Our film office has been receiving too many projects, funding request which concluded us to come up with a new show called "Crying Out Loud(COL)" the show has been proposed to the variouse TV Stations international and local. COL are dramatical real social stories told in a form of short films from different writers. The show has also included short documentary with the same theme.
This project aimed at rescuing and equipping pupils from disadvantaged communities, training and developing skills mostly in high school drama, exposing and descovering young talents and skills aspecially from rural areas. The projects has exciting investment and sponsorship opportunities which can be descussed with Cynthia to, the writers and projects can be submitted to Freeman to this email
For donating in this project you can always go ,about us and our latest projects browse our website
Thanks and Best Regards
Galaxy- Head Film Officer
Tiny Reid
Tel:+27612108985 Fax: +27866517847
J.B:+27723511511 Simpaul:+27714599368
WHO CAN GET INVOLVE IN COL-TV?At COL-TV we are inspired by great talent, amazing skills, socio-economic development through media. We do not believe in being just a service provider. We believe in getting intimetely involved in your community develipment service. We believe in commitment and partnership and putting in endless effort to help you get where you want to be. Because the closer we work together ,the more we can all move forward so anyone is welcome to contribute in COL-TV ,no one has to go hungry, unemployed while we all have have talent and skills.

Attracting investment and providing opportunities are the key focus in our company. Our Government is facing seriouse economic enemy this days, we are looking into a lost generation where youngstars are struggling to get in the labour world. The key issue facing integrated economic development is vailability of opportunities, jobs and lack on knowlege to young people.
We are excited to welcome everyone on board. Please download the form and fill it , the form can be send back to or Fax it to :0867502796 /0862255719
GALAXY DRAMA ACADEMYPROJECT DOCUMENTATIONDOWNLOAD COL-TV REGISTRATION FORMPlease note the form can be also filled by financial supporters otherwise anyone is welcome to fill it in on their particitipate.Every particitipiants appears on our website page-Our Funders and Partners or any means of our publication we linked with so it also a great marketing tool for our funders, investors ,partners and supporters for the project. We welcome equipment sponsorships to tourism businesses we welcome accodation, catering and filming location sponsorships during the film projects.
Our Funders and Partners Link
Filming locations and filming permits can be also found in the following links.GALAXY FILMING DESTINATIONS AND ROUTESISIMANGALISO WETLAND PARK AUTHORITYZULU COAST FILM OFFICE
THE ZULU KINGDOMEXTRA ENTERTAINMENT*Inspired by creativeness, another exciting tv play, amazing talents and skills to explore on your comfort zone.