welcome to Galaxy Casting and Recruitment Agency Centre.
(Talent Management- Maximising business potential through people) Our foundation embraces and encourages diversity in all its forms. The idea of the foundation is to personalize the role in the society. We believe that talent managment means selecting the right people, developing their potential and fueling their enthusiasm. Building their commitment, and also supporting them through periods of change. Understanding and evaluating people is the heart of our business, creating a solid foundation for our products and services ,enabling our clients to make fact-based decision and smarter investments in people. Every year we invest in research and development, creating powerful solutions and tools to help you get the most from your talents. With experience and contacts in all corners of globe, we complete more then thousands face to face assessments and a huge number of psychometric tests each year.
Our clients look to us for support when they need to:
¤Improve the accuracy and effeciency of hiring and promotion processes.
¤Clearly understand employees' strengths and development needs.
¤Improve managment and leadership capabilities.
¤Identify and/ or validate high potentials or successors for key positions.
¤Develop structured career and development opportunities for employees.
¤Support managers and affected employees with smooth transition processes.
¤Galaxy can help you to develop a customised talent managment strategy that's right for your business or project.
Our foundation itself is a training community based multi-purpose centre compaigns in a proven models of different sectors that are highly contribute in our socio-economic. Namely sectors like Media and Technology, Agriculture and environmental studies, Arts and Culture, Tourism, healthy and education, Social and business development compaigns that builds a local capacity to improves the quality and effectiveness of human life. Our foundation campaigns works to achieve a tolerate used of talents and skills that we have developed to play a part in our communities interms of jobs and business opportunities creation so we can fight poverty ,youth on the streets ,crime ,abuse ,house wives ,unemployment and unhealthy issues which they are more becoming a threat in our economic. Our organisation is dedicated in the process of making all that happen. Our supports programs and initiatives that positively impact communities, children, women and families around the world. The foundation is commited to liveraging the power of its brand, work, and platforms to help address the above mentiones social issues worldwide including diversity inclusion, education ,healthy support ,community building and providing hope to those who in need. Engaging with the community is an intrinsic of our foundation. At the heart of our community engagement as part of our ongoing commitment to achieve industry-leading economic and environmental goals, while simultaneously improving the quality of life for our communities and the society as the whole. Youth unemployment is growing dramatically in our country and that has increase the rate of poverty ,youth on the streets ,crime and drugs abuse in our communities. We believe education is the one way to reduces this issues can you imagine when youngsters are in schools ,universities and workplaces ,they will be no time for them to angage themselves in the above activities. Education is used to combat unemployment. Education equip youngsters with skills and knowledge which they are power of change. Education can cover all this social issues we are facing this days. Through education we can produce Doctors ,police ,young leaders ..e.t.c we believe this is one of the best tools to achieve a huge come back from our warries. Training ,supporting ,development ,coaching ,mentoring and learning are designed for developing people. Conventional "training" is required to cover essential work-related skills ,techniques and knowledge ,and much of this section deals with taking a positive progressive approach to people so our most focus are also related to that. DONATE in the past years we have developed a lots of youngstars in field with our education support program. You can visit our foundation site: READ MORE......click here